
I reverse engineer stuff and make cameras better.
Choose your camera model to see hacks available:
Camera model Script type
GoPro HERO3 Black/HERO3+ Black/HERO3+ Silver Standard A7 scripts
GoPro HERO2/HERO3 White/HERO3 Silver t gpio A5 scripts
GoPro HERO4 Black/Silver Not working, experimental
GoPro Hero Session Standard A7 scripts, beware of limited use
GoPro Hero 2014 Standard scripts
GoPro Hero 5/6 Soon!

Additional files to help creating autoexecutables for GoPro cameras can be found here.

How to hack GoPro cameras

You may be thinking, what are these autoexecutables, or why are these codes useful?
GoPro cameras use a Ambarella chip, very often, GoPro refuses to use and include a GUI graphical menu in the firmware some of the resources the chip provides, an example of this: the GoPro HERO3/3+ use A7 chip from ambarella, this chip supports long exposure pictures. I managed to hack the GoPro HERO3/3+ cameras to take long exposure pictures.
These commands are obtained via a firmware reverse engineering research or via linux scripting.
For user's facilities, I made a git repository with autoexecutable hacks for different GoPro camera models, most popular are the long exposure hack for the HERO3/3+ and the MegaLapse hack that allows GoPros to take long intervals for timelapse.
Visit AutoexecHack repo
The commands inside autoexec.ash, the file you put in the SD card for the GoPro to execute on start up is written in Ambarella Shell, ASH. The Ambarella Shell language is based on Linux, as it supports mv, cp and it has lu_util exec, a utility to execute commands in the GoPro's Linux side.
To download, install and execute a GoPro AutoexecHack file: If you want a custom hack, go to the contact section and contact me

GoPro WiFi API


Beyond the firmware

Cannot afford the new camera? Use the hacks to shoot with the new features on your camera: In the Git repository lots of hacks are available.



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